Volume 22 published
Welcome to our 22nd Volume of AJHS.
Read more about Volume 22 publishedThe African Journal of Horticultural Science (AJHS) publishes high-quality solicited and unsolicited articles in a wide range of applied and basic horticultural areas dealing with biotechnology, economics, marketing, education, extension, engineering, environment, policy, science, sociology, technology, training and other areas of horticultural science research. Special emphasis is given to development, research and technology transfer, both in physical and natural sciences, particularly as they relate to major areas of concern in horticulture. Other articles that may be submitted include:
All materials submitted for publication in the AJHS are peer-reviewed and edited.
Our objective is to inform authors of the decision on their manuscript within six weeks of submission. Following acceptance, a paper will normally be published in the next available issue.
The AJHS is fully committed to providing free access to all articles as soon as they are published, to meet the needs of many horticultural stakeholders across the globe on African Horticultural Industry in general. We ask you to support this initiative by publishing your papers in AJHS.
The language used is English.
Welcome to our 22nd Volume of AJHS.
Read more about Volume 22 published